Lost Minds
design software and games


Design software and apps
Apps and games
Paragraphic Icon


Parametric graphic design application
Vectoraster 8 Icon

Vectoraster 8

Create custom vector halftones and animated raster effects
Patternodes 3 Icon

Patternodes 3

Create vector patterns, generative designs and animations using a node based interface
DotPass Icon


Pretty secure passwords with patterns
Vlobs Icon


Relaxing puzzle game with a unique mechanic
Showing news with tag: Vectoraster 8, Clear filtering



Vectoraster 8.6.1 released

A new small update of Vectoraster 8 has now been released, with a couple of little fixes and improvements.

Changes and improvements

  • Fixes Finder .VRaster file previews and thumbnails on macOS 15 (Sequoia).
  • Adds export option to export SVG files using px units instead of the default mm.

You can download and update from free from within Vectoraster, or download the new version via the product page linked below. If you've bought the app via the Apple App Store the update should be rolling out there as well today.

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Vectoraster 8.6.0 released

A new update of Vectoraster 8 has now been released, with a new dynamic arc point shape and dynamic point offset transformation, along with a number of fixes and smaller improvements.

Changes and improvements

  • New Arc point shape, for drawing dynamic arc shapes and lines with variable arc angle.
  • New Point offset transform, a new variable X,Y offset available in Point transform that visually moves the points without changing the measuring location like the raster pattern distortions, allowing for more control of point alignment and making complex patterns.
  • Improved license check redundancy for situations when the main license server is not working properly.
Bug fixes
  • Fixed disabling Point aspect scaling while set to vary dynamically would still apply aspect scale.
  • Fixed Fill opacity parameter being shown even when it had no effect due to fill being turned off.
  • Fixed colors loading incorrectly from some older format Vectoraster files.

You can download and update from free from within Vectoraster, or download the new version via the product page linked below. If you've bought the app via the Apple App Store the update should be rolling out there as well today.

More info and download


Vectoraster 8.5.11 released

A new update of Vectoraster 8 has now been released, fixing some UI issues and restoring the use to dynamic values for some optional parameters.

Fixes and improvements:

  • Fixes not being able to dynamically vary optional parameters like additional point scaling and additional point rotation.
  • Fixes tabbing between min/max value fields for newly enabled dynamic varied parameters.

You can download and update from free from within Vectoraster, or download the new version via the product page linked below. If you've bought the app via the Apple App Store the update should be rolling out there as well today.

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Vectoraster 8 now available on the App Store

With the 8.5.10 update released today Vectoraster is now also available to purchase on the macOS App Store:

Get Vectoraster 8 on App Store

The application will still be available to purchase outside of the App Store as well and this change should not affect the functionality of the application. Future updates will continue to be released both the App Store and non-App Store version, so you'll get the same functionality regardless of version. It will however not be possible to convert an App Store purchase to a license for the non-App Store version or the other way around.

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Vectoraster 8.5.9 released

A small update of Vectoraster 8 has now been released. This update fixes some minor compatibility issues with macOS 14 and addresses some sanbox file-access related issues some users have been experiencing.

You can download and update from free from withing Vectoraster or download the new version via the product page linked below.

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Vectoraster 8.5.8 released

A new update of Vectoraster 8 has now been released. This update modernizes some underlying file reading and writing code that should improve future (and current) compatibility and might get around some tricky permission issues. Along with this there are a couple of other little fixes and improvements.

Changes and improvements

  • Fix generation of innermost spiral raster points when generating line rasters.
  • New setting to automatically convert background color colorspace to match point color (for CMYK exports for example).
  • Add clipping rect to exported SVGs.
  • Changes to export file writing and saving APIs.
  • Changes to file reading handling when importing source files APIs.

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Vectoraster 8.5.7 released

A new small update of Vectoraster 8 has now been released. This is another small update that fixes some UI issues in recent versions and macOS updates.

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Vectoraster 8.5.6 released

A new update of Vectoraster 8 has now been released. This is a smaller update that primarily fixes some issues on macOS 14.

Changes and improvements

  • Fix issue with collapsed bottom UI panels still showing on macOS 14.
  • Improved load times for files with large source images.
  • Removed deprecated EPS export format on macOS 14 and later (still available on earlier macOS versions).

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macOS 14 EPS format support dropped

It appears that Apple has removed system support for the EPS format in macOS 14 Sonoma, which means that sadly importing or exporting EPS files in Vectoraster and Patternodes will no longer work on macOS 14.

This was unexpected, so unfortunately current versions of Vectoraster and Patternodes will not give you any warning about this and may behave erratically trying to load/save EPS data as they relied on these system features. It's unlikely EPS format support will come back at this time, so if you're still working with EPS files, now is a good time to switch over to SVG or PDF.

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Vectoraster 8.5.5 released

A new update of Vectoraster 8 has now been released. This adds some initial CMYK color support and interface optimizations along with a couple of bug fixes.

Changes and improvements

  • Added support for CMYK and other non-rgb color models in static colors (varying dynamic point colors will still convert to RGB in rendering and exports). CMYK colors are only supported in PDF exports.
  • Improved interface performance.
  • Improved support and handling of pasting graphics as source image layers.
  • Fixed bug where exporting to CSV or SVG would result in the preview going blank.
  • Fix issue with new source images pasted in getting the wrong initial size.
  • Fix issue with importing vector graphics with very large sizes causing memory issues.

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