Paragraphic is a new cross-platform parametric graphic design application, combining traditional illustration tools with powerful procedural design features.
Complex repetitions, gradients and patterns
Easily create and modify multi-level repetitions and patterns, applying flexible modifiers or randomization.
Then just copy and paste the result as SVG vectors into your workflow.
Non-destructive randomization
Replace, reorder or transform repeated elements at random with full control to add interest to your design.
All non-destructive with updates in real time to encourage gradual testing and tweaking.
Custom vector halftones
Create halftones, raster patterns and advanced vector gradients based on images or any other layer data.
Parametric design
Automate design tasks and create data visualizations using custom parameters and connections to control your designs.
Modular design system, using a sequence of nodes on each layer that can be freely combined to create, repeat and modify content elements on each layer.
Non-destructive editing with real-time feedback, any property of any step in the generation sequence can easily be edited with the end result updated live.
Parametric control and connections, for precise values, automatic relationships between properties and data-driven designs.
Familiar layer-based editor, wrapping the parametric generative node sequence features in a traditional graphical editor interface similar to other vector graphics editors.
SVG import and export, designed to work as a complement to your existing design tools, just copy & paste between them as SVG.
After the 1.0 release a number of smaller updates with bug fixes and smaller improvements based on user feedback have been released, with the latest 1.0.4 being released today. You can read more about these updates in detail at the Paragraphic development blog.
Paragraphic is a new graphic design application combining traditional vector illustration tools with powerful parametric design features.
Click below to find out more and try it out for yourself at!
After a period in early access the full 1.0 version of Paragraphic has now finally been released.
Paragraphic is a new graphic design application combining traditional vector illustration tools with powerful parametric design features.
Complex repetitions, gradients and patterns
Easily create and modify multi-level repetitions and patterns, applying flexible modifiers or randomization.
Then just copy and paste the result as SVG vectors into your workflow.
Non-destructive randomization
Replace, reorder or transform repeated elements at random with full control to add interest to your design.
All non-destructive with updates in real time to encourage gradual testing and tweaking.
Custom vector halftones
Create halftones, raster patterns and advanced vector gradients based on images or any other layer data.
Parametric design
Automate design tasks and create data visualizations using custom parameters and connections to control your designs.
Click below to find out more and try it out for yourself at!
This new post on the Paragraphic development blog has a comparison between the node-based system in Patternodes and Paragraphic. This can hopefully also be a good introduction to this type of procedural design tools, and both Patternodes and Paragraphic. Or if you're already familiar with such tools explain a little more in detail how this is implemented in Paragraphic.
Another early access update of the paramtric veector design app Paragraphic has now been released, with many fixes and improvements:
Changes and improvements – Added secondary change parameter to the Apply Function and Repeat Function nodes, allowing you to apply two changes using the same function. – Added support for multi-line text in text layers. – The Repeat Function now allows applying all the same change types as the Apply Function instead of just basic transforms. – Changed value function Noise to get better range distribution, and adds an exponent parameter to allow adjusting the noise value distribution. Note: this will change the output generated by nodes using Noise function. – The function graphs now show multiple function graphs when representing multiple different selected function parameters. – Added a new shortcut button to add a node between two nodes in the layer node sequence. – Made Repeat Area the primary grid repeater tool. – UI performance optimizations. – Changed a couple of node default parameter settings to produce nicer results. – Turn off auto-center pivot option when converting shapes to free form path layers. – Added new setting to open a new blank document at startup or not. – The home screen (shown when no documents are open) now shows a list of recently opened documents.
Bug fixes – Correctly handle negative index offsets in Apply Function node. – Fix node “Apply to” mode sub-parameters not always being shown when appropriate. – Fix apply change scale range parameters mirroring around 0 instead of 1 when set to mirror. – Fix some cases of svg export text elements being misaligned. – Correctly outline elements affected by edited nodes when multiple layer nodes are edited simultaneously due to multi-selection.
Click below to find out more and try it out for yourself at!
After many years of ideas and planning, and a little more than a year of active development Paragraphic is now available in Early Access as of version 0.8.5.
This means you can download and try the application for free in a Trial mode with some limitations to exports. If you like it you can then buy a license that will enable you to remove the trial mode limitations, and of course support continued development towards the full 1.0 release.
Click below to find out more and try it out for yourself at!
Development of the new cross-platform parametric 2d design app Paragraphic is has taken another big step towards release. While it's not feature complete yet the core features are now in place and a second testing phase with a larger group of testers has started.
You can follow the continued development of the app at the Paragraphic development blog. There you can also sign up if you're interested in being a tester, or just to get a notification when the app is eventually released.
Development of our new cross-platform parametric 2d design app Paragraphic is progressing more or less according to plan, and it's now getting close to a finished product. While it's not feature complete or stable enough for release all the major systems are now in place and a first testing phase with external testers is under way. Hopefully this will yield a lot of good feedback on what works and what doesn't.
You can follow the continued development of the app at the Paragraphic development blog. There you can also sign up if you're interested in being a tester, or just to get a notification when the app is eventually released.
I've been working for a while on a new parametric graphic design project that I'm calling Paragraphic. It will aim to combine some of the key ideas and strengths of Vectoraster and Patternodes, but wrapped in a slightly more traditional UI, and crucially available cross-platfrom for both Windows, macOS and linux.
It's still very early in the development, but as a sort of experiment I've decided to start a development blog of sorts for the project. Inspired in part by some indie-game developers it'll feature progress reports on the development and some discussions about the thinking behind the structure of the app.
If you want to learn more about this project or and follow the development going forward, click below. You can also sign up already if you're interested in helping out as a tester during development, or just getting a notification when the app is eventually released.
Purchase process
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After you complete your purchase you will immediately be given access to your license codes and information on how to unlock the full version of your software. You will also be sent two e-mails from Paddle to the address you've specified. One receipt for your records and one titled "Your <Product> Order" containing your license code and unlocking information.