Lost Minds
design software and games
Dice Bag Icon

Dice Bag

Version 1.0.9 (2020-05-01)
For iOS 11.0 or later
iOS Download
App Store ($0.99)

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Dice Bag

Dice Bag Icon
Version 1.0.9
for iOS 11.0 or later or later

Dice Bag

DescriptionNews and updates

Shiny, glowing, metallic or plain, this app's got all the dice you didn't know you needed until you saw them. Set up your dice collection, choosing dice types, materials and backgrounds to fit your taste or the game you're playing. Then roll the dice in full 3d, move them around or tap to select and re-roll or remove individual dice.

All rendered with advanced shaders and high quality materials, along with a modern clean UI to keep focus on rolling and hoping for the best.


This app replaces our old Nice Dice app. The dice are still nice, it's just that now the app is more like a dice bag, so we call it Dice Bag. Perfect for table-top game players missing some specific dice or school use for math and probability experiments. Maybe you're just tired of dice ending up on the floor?

  • Highly detailed dice models with nice materials and lighting.
  • Select to re-roll or remove individual rolled dice.
  • Customize your set of dice with Coins, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 20-sided dice.
  • Roll any combinations of dice models and materials.
  • Decently realistic physics simulation with collisions and optional device gravity.
  • Settings for dice size and simulation speed.
  • Percent dice support (D10 + D10x10 combine to a D100 or percent dice).
  • Roll history letting you easily roll combinations again.
  • Many different background materials.
  • Phone and tablet (landscape/portrait) support.

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Apple App Store distribution
This product can be downloaded via the Apple App Store links, any payment processing and app delivery is then handled by the appstore.