Lost Minds
design software and games

Design and animation software

Click below to download and learn more about Vectoraster, Patternodes or Paragraphic. You can download and try the software for free before deciding if you want to buy a license.

Paragraphic Icon


For windows, macOS, linux
Parametric graphic design application
Vectoraster 8 Icon

Vectoraster 8

Version 8.6.1 for macOS 10.15 or later
Create custom vector halftones and animated raster effects
Patternodes 3 Icon

Patternodes 3

Version 3.3.3 for macOS 10.15 or later
Create vector patterns, generative designs and animations using a node based interface

Vectoraster Patternodes bundle

Get both Vectoraster 8 and Patternodes 3 at a great price!
Buy now
Save 25%

Triple macOS bundle

Get Vectoraster 8, Patternodes 3 and Paragraphic at a great price!
Buy now
Save 25%

At a design school or university?
Take a look at our purchase options for education.

Special education offers
Consulting help

Looking for help creating something specific with Patternodes or Vectoraster? We can help!

Custom project consulting

Payments and purchase process
All payments for purchases on thie site are handled by Paddle.com, who also handle support related to the payments. For technical product support, please consult the support section.

After you complete your purchase you will immediately get your license information in the browser. The information will also be sent by e-mail from Paddle to the address you've specified along with a receipt for your records.

App store apps

These apps are all distributed via the Apple App store, click to learn more or go directly to the App store.

DotPass Icon


Version 1.5.5 for iOS or macOS
Pretty secure passwords with patterns
Product page
More information
Apple App Store
iOS App ($1.99)
Apple App Store
macOS App ($1.99)