Vectoraster 8 version history
Vectoraster 8 future development
Version 8.6.1 Released 2024-12-18
Changes and improvements
- Fixes Finder .VRaster file previews and thumbnails on macOS 15 (Sequoia).
- Adds export option to export SVG files using px units instead of the default mm.
Our new parametric design app Paragraphic has now been released. Try it for free at
Version 8.6.0 Released 2024-09-18
Changes and improvements
- New Arc point shape, for drawing dynamic arc shapes and lines with variable arc angle.
- New Point offset transform, a new variable X,Y offset available in Point transform that visually moves the points without changing the measuring location like the raster pattern distortions, allowing for more control of point alignment and making complex patterns.
- Improved license check redundancy for situations when the main license server is not working properly.
- Fixed disabling Point aspect scaling while set to vary dynamically would still apply aspect scale.
- Fixed Fill opacity parameter being shown even when it had no effect due to fill being turned off.
- Fixed colors loading incorrectly from some older format Vectoraster files.
Our new parametric design app Paragraphic is now available in Early Access. Try it for free at
Version 8.5.11 Released 2024-04-17
Fixes and improvements
- Fixes not being able to dynamically vary optional parameters like additional point scaling and additional point rotation.
- Fixes tabbing between min/max value fields for newly enabled dynamic varied parameters.
Version 8.5.10 Released 2024-03-26
With this update Vectoraster is now also available to purchase on the macOS Apple App Store:
Vectoraster 8 on App Store
The application will still be available to purchase outside of the App Store as well and this change should not affect the functionality of the application. Future updates will continue to be released both the App Store and non-App Store version, so you'll get the same functionality regardless of version. It will however not be possible to convert an App Store purchase to a license for the non-App Store version or the other way around.
Version 8.5.9 Released 2024-03-13
Changes and improvements
- Fixes some minor macOS 14 compatibility issues.
- Fixes some sandbox access restriction issues.
Version 8.5.8 Released 2024-01-23
- Fix generation of innermost spiral raster points when generating line rasters.
- New setting to automatically convert background color colorspace to match point color (for CMYK exports for example).
- Add clipping rect to exported SVGs.
- Changes to export file writing and saving APIs.
- Changes to file reading handling when importing source files APIs.
Version 8.5.7 Released 2023-12-04
Changes and improvements
- Fixes an issue with the multiscale-panel not displaying correctly when opened in a loaded file in recent 8.5.5+ versions.
Version 8.5.6 Released 2023-11-16
Changes and improvements
- Fix issue with collapsed bottom UI panels still showing on macOS 14.
- Improved load times for files with large source images.
- Removed deprecated EPS export format on macOS 14 and later (still available on earlier macOS versions).
Version 8.5.5 Released 2023-10-04
Changes and improvements
- Added support for CMYK and other non-rgb color models in static colors (varying dynamic point colors will still convert to RGB in rendering and exports). CMYK colors are only supported in PDF exports.
- Improved interface performance.
- Improved support and handling of pasting graphics as source image layers.
- Fixed bug where exporting to CSV or SVG would result in the preview going blank.
- Fix issue with new source images pasted in getting the wrong initial size.
- Fix issue with importing vector graphics with very large sizes causing memory issues.
Version 8.5.4 Released 2023-08-22
Changes and improvements
- Added new point Row, Column or Row+Column index source options, letting you base parameters on the row or column of the point.
- Added support for complex multi-byte unicode characters like SF symbols and ligatures in text rasters.
- Added Lost Minds Mastodon link to Help menu.
- Added some more helpful information to error messages when failing to load files.
- Fix issue with importing vector graphics with very large sizes causing memory issues.
Version 8.5.3 Released 2023-07-13
Fixes and improvements
- Fixes issue with incorrect physical sizes when importing image source layers.
- Better error messages on file access permission issues when importing files.
Version 8.5.2 Released 2023-06-01
Fixes and improvements
- Point size is now renamed Line length for simple line points.
- Properly deactivate color well and close the color picker when hiding an active color parameter.
- Fixes the preview sometimes not reverting correctly back to the current time after exporting an animation.
- Fixes an issue where the source layers list would not display correctly after reordering sources.
- Fixes some precision issues in applied Multiscale when using the slider instead of the scale field.
- Sparkle version checking framework updated.
Version 8.5.1 Released 2023-05-22
Changes and improvements
- Updates components for future compatibility, raising minimum required macOS version to 10.15.
- Fixes a bug where animation exports would not correctly apply a scaled export size.
- Fixes using the animation export panel size slider while the height or width field is active.
Version 8.5.0 Released 2023-05-12
Changes and improvements
- Multiple custom shape support use different imported point shapes based on sources, index or at random.
- Improved generation/rendering with better performance, responsiveness and stability.
- Source opacity point removal with a new alpha threshold parameter. Makes it easy to remove points regardless of size where the source image is transparent.
- Animated GIF import support for Video source layers.
- Point fill opacity can now be applied to bitmap custom shapes as well.
- Fixed a bug with Multi-scale where clicking Apply button while typing in a value would not apply the scale.
- Fixed an issue with quicktime video exports dropping frames if the encoder was busy.
- Fixed a bug where animation export panel size fields would show the wrong values.
- Fixed a bug where some settings would reset when re-opening the settings panel.
Version 8.4.11 Released 2023-04-21
Bug fixes
- Fixes a bug with jpg export pixel aspect.
- Fixes an export dialogue bug whith bitmap format height/width would not be displayed correctly.
- Clicking in the animation timeline now deselects any selected value field, so you can use spacebar to play/pause.
Version 8.4.10 Released 2023-03-16
Bug fixes
- Fixes a bundle validation bug that caused issues on some systems in v8.4.9.
- Fixes some blocking network calls during license activation.
Version 8.4.9 Released 2023-02-20
Changes and improvements
- Improved SVG image mode imports/rendering (Upgrade to IJSVG 3.0 framework).
- Added an option to re-center centered source layers on document size change, making it easier to resize a document to a new source image.
- Added link to user Discord channel in Help menu.
- Fixed being able to select the source measurement channel parent item in the parameter sources menu and not just the items.
- Removed a tooltip in the sources menu that was interfering with selecting items in submenus.
Version 8.4.8 Released 2023-01-03
Changes and improvements
- Optimized Randomization distortion.
- Improved generation and rendering progress updates for long processes.
- Updated manual and bundled sample files.
- Improved conversion of legacy source measurement exponent parameters when importing Vectoraster 7 files.
- Fixes a bug with dynamic distortion strength parameters in rasters with raster offset.
- Fixes initial loading preview image incorrect aspect for zoomed in rasters.
- Fixes source color/light filterers not being applied when the document legacy blur setting was enabled.
- Fixes an issue with converting some dynamic distrortion strength settings from legacy Vectoraster 7 files.
- Fixes an issue with importing legacy Vectoraster 7 files with invalid incremental step parameters.
- Fixes an issue with importing use source color mix parameters from legacy Vectoraster 7 files.
- Fixes an issue with converting separate Y spacing in alternating grid legacy Vectoraster 7 files.
Version 8.4.7 Released 2022-10-17
Changes and improvements:
- Fixed missing Print permission in sandbox entitlements.
- Fixed drag highlight outline being shown on file areas even if the dragged file was not in a supported format.
- Fixed incorrect disk write protection warning in the technical log.
Version 8.4.6 Released 2022-09-26
- Improved SVG custom point shape path mode imports.
- Application Sandbox for improved security and future macOS compatibility.
- Updated Sparkle version checking and updates library.
Version 8.4.5 Released 2022-08-11
- Added three new dithering raster patterns: Burkes, Atkinson and Bayer 4x4.
- Added support for exporting animations as animated GIFs.
- Added new preferences setting for default in/out easing type of new added keyframes.
- Fixed using trackpad pinch gestures to zoom in the preview.
- Fixed some issues with the export progress bar during repeated animation exports.
- Character point shape baseline pivot option is no longer turned on by default.
Patternodes 3 is now released, find out more at
Version 8.4.2 Released 2022-05-18
- Fixes an issue where exporting large rasters to SVG or CSV format failed.
Patternodes 3 is now released, find out more at
Version 8.4.1 Released 2022-03-28
- Changed preferences interface so changes are applied immediately.
- Fixed an issue with exporting animations to numbered PNG or JPEG files.
- Interface performance improvements.
- Changed the default video export codec to H264.
- Added some improved error messages for export issues.
Patternodes 3 is now released, find out more at
Version 8.4.0 Released 2022-02-28
- Video source layers allowing you to apply raster effect to video and export the animated result.
- Greatly improved video export rendering performance.
- The YouTube videos links now correctly lead to the Vectoraster 8 videos playlist.
- Fixes the display raster / source slider opacity not updating the preview.
- Fixes an issue with the export progress panel hiding when the application was inactive.
- Smoother handling of remotely deployed license unlocking, not showing the trial mode notice while the license is verified.
Patternodes 3 is now released, find out more at
Version 8.3.3 Released 2022-02-11
- New macOS 11-style application icon.
- Improvements to SVG custom point shape parsing.
- Fixes some issues with UI panel animations.
- Fixes to some dark mode UI issues.
- Fixes holes still appearing in exports if exporting immediately after unlocking the full version.
- Updated to Sparkle 2.0 version checking and updating library.
Patternodes 3 is now released (hence the new matching Vectoraster icon) find out more at
Version 8.3.2 Released 2021-12-16
- New Unsharp mask sharpening filter available for all source layers.
- Fixes an issue where the Export dialogue could become unresponsive on macOS 12.1 when opening it a second time.
- Handle loading or setting invalid animation duration or framerate better.
Patternodes 3 is now in beta testing, find out more at
Version 8.3.1 Released 2021-11-03
- Added support for drag and drop importing new source image layers.
- Fixed preview drag editing of position for distortions in rotated and offset rasters.
- Fixed the animation keyframe value field not updating the raster after changes.
- Fixed undo/redo of editing animation duration, framerate and loop settings.
- Fixed animation framerate setting not loading correctly from saved files.
- Fixed bug where raster would stop drawing after turning both point fill and storke off, even if they were turned on again.
- Updated sample files.
Version 8.3.0 Released 2021-09-29
- New source-based text modes. Pick point text characters dynamically based on source layers. Paint by numbers or ASCII-art!
- New word text modes. Use a set of words instead of just characters as point shapes. Make word clouds or generate data-driven labels!
See some examples at - Some changes for more consistent handling of fonts for text raster points and text source layers.
- Fix a bug where changing the document random seed wouldn't update the seed for all random properties.
- Fix a bug where the document random seed wouldn't be properly loaded from saved files.
- Performance improvements.
Version 8.2.5 Released 2021-09-13
- You can now edit animation keyframes while the animation is running.
- You can now quickly revert values being edited by pressing Esc.
- Disabling a parameter that has an active animation track now also disables the animation track and adds a warning icon to it.
- Removing a source layer or pattern distortion that has animated parameters now also properly removes these animation tracks.
- Fixed a bug where removing the last source layer could leave an orphaned source settings panel.
- Fixed couple of issues in v8.2.3 and 8.2.4 with using source layer color for point stroke or fill.
- Changes to visibility toggle buttons for source layers and animation tracks to reduce interface clutter.
Version 8.2.4 Released 2021-07-20
- Fixes an issue with opening files with raster distortions in v 8.2.3.
- Fixes some interface button alignments on macOS 11.
Version 8.2.3 Released 2021-07-15
- Adding a new source image layer now opens a browse dialogue right away.
- Added a new Import source image menu item to quickly create a new source image layer.
- Improvemed handling of imported source image sizes when replacing a layer image.
- Added a new separate scale source layers option when changing the document artboard size.
- Improvements to tabbing between value fields and opening/closing interface panels.
- Document window size and position is now saved in VRaster files.
- Improved labels and tooltips to help make isometric raster patterns using the same spacing toggle.
- Improved interface panel animation performace.
Version 8.2.2 Released 2021-04-20
- Improved performance and stability during animation exports.
- Better previews of the animation during the animation export process.
- Better raster pattern panel previews when using large artboard sizes.
- Source layer actions button now show on hover as well as selection of the layer.
- Fix missing VRaster document icons on older versions of macOS (again).
Version 8.2.1 Released 2021-04-12
- Fixed source invert filter not working after the 8.2.0 update.
- Fix preview not updating correctly when a source layer is removed.
- Better raster pattern preview for varied density rasters.
- Fix text source layers not updating on the first click when changing font in the font panel.
- Adjustment of some dark mode text label colors.
Version 8.2.0 Released 2021-03-30
- New dithering raster patterns. Dynamic source based Floyd-Steinberg, Stucki and Sierra error diffusion dithering patterns and new Bayer 8x8 ordered dithering pattern.
- Improved support for imported SVG and EPS of custom point shapes exported from Affinity software.
- Added support for even-odd fill mode in imported of custom point shapes.
- Fixes an issue with document icons for some macOS 11 users.
- Fixed live raster updates while dragging sliders for some source parameters.
- Better handling of problems when importing custom vector point shapes from EPS/PDF/SVG files.
- Removed some redundant screen printing export settings.
- Some interface optimization.
Version 8.1.3 Released 2021-03-09
- Added button to re-center offset source layers.
- The artboard size dialogue now has added presets for current image source sizes as well as original sizes.
- Performance improvements for raster distortions and gradient source layers.
- Clarified and corrected a number of tooltips and help messages.
- Updates to the manual.
- Some small macOS 11 interface adjustments.
- Updated Sparkle version checking library.
Version 8.1.2 Released 2020-12-28
- Improved calculation progress updates for long regeneration processes.
- Improved handling of warnings when incompatible raster settings are selected so no raster can be rendered.
- Fixed some number formatting issues with export size fields when using comma as a thousands separator.
- Value fields should now correctly show comma as the decimal separator based on your system settings.
- Fixes a double regeneration bug after changing the artboard size.
- Removed a redundant search field from the Help menu
Version 8.1.1 Released 2020-12-22
- Optimized file loading.
- Fixes a bug with changing sizes in the export dialogue when using points or inches as the length units.
- Fixes a bug with auto-resampling of large source images causing them to be used at the wrong size in v8.1.0.
- Fixed a bug where images sources wouldn't properly update when toggling auto-resampling on/off.
Version 8.1.0 Released 2020-12-14
- SVG vector graphics export
- New Simple line point shape, simple short line with just stroke and no fill useful for stippling, plotting and etching applications
- Improved CSV-export that now includes point fill color RGBA components in the exported data.
- New export option to use preview raster opacity when exporting, to let you export the raster semi-transparent on top of the sources.
- Improved appearance of composited source layer previews while live editing source parameters.
- Fix preview rendering when raster preview opacity was lower than source preview opacity.
- Interface adjustments for macOS 11 (Big Sur).
- Update to Finder preview quick look component for VRaster files.
Version 8.0.5 Released 2020-11-19
- Apple Silicon native support.
- Improved performance when updating and compositing source layers.
- Improved SVG path importing, with support for matrix() group transforms often used by Affinity Designer.
- New presets menu in the artboard size change dialogue to quickly change to a preset or source image size.
- Fixes some interface panel animation glitches when enabling/disabling the Use source color fill/stroke settings.
- Exporting without changing any document export settings no longer marks the document as needing to be saved.
- Update to Sparkle updating library.
Version 8.0.4 Released 2020-11-11
- Fixes a bug where trying to add a new Bulge pattern distortion would instead add a Randomize distortion.
- Some layout changes to the raster spacing controls when using separate X/Y spacing.
- Added item in Help menu for the new system for feedback and voting on future development.
- More helpful error messages when entering incorrect license information.
- New method for logging technical warnings without relying on system log.
Version 8.0.3 Released 2020-10-23
- Added new 'Paste replace source image' Edit menu item to quickly replace the selected source layer image.
- Added keyboard shortcuts for the paste source image menu items.
- Fixed an issue with JPEG exports sometimes failing and causing problems with other exports after this.
- Made the raster-sources display slider more responsive to quick changes.
Version 8.0.2 Released 2020-10-01
- Improved editing animation keyframe values when using drag editing in the preview.
- Fixes an issue where enabling disabled animation tracks would not refresh the preview in some cases.
- Optimized rendering of composited source layer preview.
- Tweaks to preview zoom adjustments when opening/closing the animation panel.
- Fixes a 1px preview edge alignment issue at some zoom levels.
Version 8.0.1 Released 2020-09-21
- Setting a Gradient or Image source layer size height or width to a negative value now mirrors it.
- The progress bar for longer generation processes is now more prominent with a point counter along with rendering percent.
- Better handling when entering invalid math expressions in value fields.
- Adjustments to rendering of some interface elements.
- Correctly (don't) render Text source layers with zero size.
Version 8.0.0 Released 2020-09-01
Main changes and new features
- Animation support. Animate raster and source parameters and export the result to video or a sequence of frame files.
- New source layers model. Sources are now more like layers in other graphics software and can be moved, scaled and rotated individually and blended together.
- Apply file raster settings. You can now quickly apply all raster settings from a different VRaster file, while retaining the sources in the current file.
- Improved preview drag editing. Edit source layers, gradients, distortions or raster pattern parameters by dragging graphical handles in the preview.
- Advanced noise sources. New dynamic noise layers generating perlin or billowing noise you can then apply to any parameter across the raster.
- Secondary point transformations. You can now apply two separate dynamic scaling or rotations to raster points, for example adding randomization to a source-based value.
- Dark Mode interface support. Interface now adapts to system interface mode, and lets you switch between dark mode and light mode.
Additional changes and improvements
- Many improvements and changes to the interface to make it more compact and responsive.
- Measure mode (Darkness, Alpha or RGB/CMYK channels) is now set per parameter instead of per source, so different parameters can measure different channels from the same source.
- New shortcut in the parameter function menu to quickly swap min/max values, inverting any dynamic parameter.
- New simplified way of quickly setting point fill or stroke color based on sources.
- Sources - Raster display slider. Easily change preview display to show your sources, raster or both depending on what you're working with.
- New settings for default new document size and source layer.
- Improved source layer filtering, with blur, brightness, contrast and saturation adjustment for each source.
- New helpful warning messages explaining why certain combinations of parameter settings result in nothing being drawn.
- Moved and clarified settings for removing raster points based on size and/or variable chance.
- You can now use middle mouse button to drag and pan when zoomed in, including when drag editing other parameters.
- Export settings are now saved per file, so you can quickly reuse the settings you used last in a file.
- Separate vertical spacing is now more consistently used in different raster patterns.
- Offset and rotation of the random raster pattern is now consistent with offset and rotation of the other raster patterns.
- Variable raster pattern distortions can now be point index based as well as source based.
- Smoother new document handling, and a new setting not to open a new document at startup.
- CSV export now includes point rotation data and uses the user set length units.
- Improved memory management.