
If you encounter a bug or have a technical problem with our software, please use the "Send feedback or bug-report..." item in the application Help menu to generate an e-mail to support with some technical information that you can send along to support to help us understand your idea or the problem you've encountered.
Attaching a screenshot of any error messages or buggy behaviour also helps a lot to get the matter resolved quickly!
Feature requests and ideasIf you have an idea for some improvement or new feature, please do tell us about it! Along with describing your idea, please include a few words about why you'd like this new feature and how you'd use it. This sort of feedback is always valueable to help understand how the software is used, and can help greatly in developing it.
For Vectoraster and Patternodes there are also list where you can vote on ideas and see plans for future features.Vectoraster future development Patternodes future development
Support contact
For all other questions send a message to:
support [replace with at] lostminds (dot)com