Patternodes future development
New features we're considering or working on for Patternodes are listed here, and you can vote on what you think should be prioritized or send us your ideas. You can also sign up below to get a notification if a feature you vote on is implemented.
Proposed new features
These are features that have been requested or we're thinking about that you can vote for.
Added Nov 1, 2020
Path/vector modifier nodesProposal
127 votes
Add more nodes that modify vector paths by changing individual control points. For example maybe distorting points, smoothing curves or making other modifications.
Added Dec 30, 2020
Boolean operations nodeProposal
101 votes
Add a node for boolean operations on path elements, like union, difference, cut etc.
Added Nov 1, 2020
Color gradient fill supportProposal
76 votes
Add support for using color gradients as fill colors for elements along with interfaces and nodes for defining such gradients.
Added Nov 1, 2020
Bitmap/pixel modifier nodesProposal
42 votes
Add nodes that apply various pixel-based effect filters to graphic elements. Like for example blur effects or color adjustments.
Added Feb 13, 2021
Batch processingProposal
38 votes
Add batch processing to automatically run a Patternodes node sequence on all files in a directory, using them as input in an import node, and outputting the result for each file. In other words allow you to use patternodes as an image processor or generate a specific effect quickly based on multiple images.
Added Oct 28, 2021
Audio inputProposal
31 votes
Add a node that can import audio, live audio from a mic or from a file, and convert this to values that can be used in other nodes for animations or audio visuals.
Added Apr 7, 2021
Variable width font supportProposal
35 votes
Add support for using variable width fonts in the Element Text node.
Added Sep 22, 2021
Multi-import nodeProposal
25 votes
Add support for importing multiple shapes/images in a single Import node, with controls for which graphic will be used for output. Basically combining multiple Import nodes and an Element List node into one, making it easier to make repeated groups composed of multiple different imported graphics.
Added Oct 1, 2021
Video import nodeProposal
24 votes
Add support for importing frames based on time from video files to in your node graph. For example letting you use these as to make advanced animated effects based on the video, or to simply use the video as part of an animation.
Added Oct 7, 2022
WebP format exportProposal
10 votes
Add support for exporting animations (and single images) to WebP format
Added Nov 30, -0001
Navigation mini-mapProposal
9 votes
Option to display a sort of mini-map showing an overview of large node graphs that don't fit in node graph window view, that can also be clicked to quickly scroll to a different area in the node graph.
Recently implemented features
Previously proposed features that have now been implemented.
Added Oct 7, 2022 implemented May 29, 2023
Text string connectionsReleased in v3.2.0
7 votes
Add features to allow working with text strings like other values. For example letting you connect text fields between nodes, get text from imported csv data, combine text string parts, extract string parts etc.
Added Sep 24, 2022 implemented Oct 17, 2022
Value data table node and importReleased in v3.1.0
2 votes
Add a node that can import and work with value data sets in a spreadsheet like interface, for example from a CSV file. This would enable using Patternodes for data visualization like making custom graphs using these values.
Added Nov 1, 2020 implemented Feb 8, 2022
Keyframe-based animation systemReleased in v3.0.0
22 votes
Add a more fully featured keyframe animation system with a timeline view similar to that in Vectoraster 8. Letting you more freely change parameters in over time and create complex animated effects.
Added Nov 1, 2020 implemented Feb 8, 2022
Improved direct element manipulation in previewReleased in v3.0.0
15 votes
Add more features to select and manipulate graphic elements directly in the preview, as a complement to working with the node value parameters.
Added Dec 3, 2020 implemented Feb 8, 2022
Dark mode supportReleased in v3.0.0
16 votes
Add support for interface dark mode, adapting to the current system interface mode and/or manual setting.
Added Dec 1, 2020 implemented Nov 1, 2024
Platform independent parametric graphics appReleased in v0.9
161 votes
Develop a new app for parametric vector graphic design, similar to Vectoraster and/or Patternodes that can be run on any platform (macOS, Windows, Linux)
This has been implemented in a new project called Paragraphic has now started. You can learn more about it and try it out at
This has been implemented in a new project called Paragraphic has now started. You can learn more about it and try it out at
Update notifications
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Other ideas?
Do you have other ideas for new features or improvements? Please let us know!
If we like the idea we might implement it right away, or add it here for future consideration.
Send feedback or ideasThere is of course no guarantee that any of these feature will ever be implemented, and we have a lot of other ideas and plans as well. But if something on this list gets a lot of votes it will let use know there's interest and it will be more likely to become reality.